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1.) How is evidence of a shoe or car tread print preserved for processing?

Any impression in the ground is usually preserved first by a photograph then it is casted with Dental Stone to get a permenant impression.

2.) What is fuming, and how was it applied?

Fuming is a process that involves an application of a chemical gas that makes the acids from a finger print appears on a metal surface. The bullet casing was fumed to recover a partial print of the suspect.

3.) What is Lividity?

It is the setting of the blood in the lower portion of the body after death. It will show as a bruising on low areas of the body that are not touching anything. It will not show as bruising on areas that are touching the ground because the capillaries are closed.

4.) What are the first few steps the arriving officer must do when arriving at a crime scene?

First thing to do is secure the scene. Can't have people contaminating or tampering with valuable evidence. Next is photograph the entire scene while witnesses are questioned. Then the scene may be processed for evidence.

5.) How did investigators discover that the hair belonged to Julia?

Investigators can do many things to prove the hair belonged to Julia. They can do an analysis through comparison microscope with the hair found in the car and a hair from Julia herself. They can do color comparisons as well. But the best analysis of all is the DNA comparisons. DNA can be extracted from a single cell of human tissue. DNA is split on a gelatinous plate with enzymes that allow a definate comparison. This is done with both samples in order to make a complete and definate analysis.

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